Gyroscope Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

All submissions to Gyroscope Review must be made via our submissions manager, Submittable. We do not accept submissions via post or email. Our response time is between four and twelve weeks. Once you have submitted, please do not submit again within the same reading period. Withdrawing your work to edit then resubmitting is fine. 


Spring issue: January 15-March 1 

Summer issue: April 1-June 1 

Fall Crone Power issue: July 1-September 1 

Winter issue: October 1-December 1

Note: once we have accepted enough poems to fill an issue, the reading period will close, so submit early. Please submit no more than 4 poems and put poems together in one document, one poem per page. If there are more than 4 poems we will only read the first four and ignore the rest. There are no length restrictions on individual poems. Formats we accept: .doc, .docx, .rtf. Instructions: 12 pt type, Times New Roman type is preferred, and 1" margins. It’s easier for us to read. All poems in one document with page breaks in between poems. Use the name you would like to be published under. Thank you!


Please give Gyroscope Review credit as first publisher when you reprint your poems or use them in books.

Simultaneous submissions are allowed, but we ask that you consider our acceptance of your poem(s) as a commitment to be published by Gyroscope Review, and the poem(s) will not be withdrawn after acceptance to go to another publication. That would make us sad. Nobody likes a sniffling editor. If a submission is accepted elsewhere please notify us immediately through Submittable. We’ll be happy for you, we promise!

We do not accept previously published material at this time. This includes publication in print, and on the Internet including on Facebook, poetry sites, and personal blogs. Poetry workshopped behind password-protected sites is okay. Translations must be the author's own work and contain the English and foreign language versions.

Please do not submit if you are not open to being edited. We will work with you on major edits. No racist, or any other -ist, derogatory, or pornographic material. This is determined by the judgment of the editors. By all means, push the envelope, but do so in a tasteful manner.

By submitting you attest that the work is your own. Anonymous submissions are not allowed; however, pen names are acceptable. You grant Gyroscope Review first-time North American publication rights for your submission. All other rights to material published in the Gyroscope Review are retained by the individual authors, photographers, and artists. All published work is archived online. You agree that any subsequent publication, print or on the web, must acknowledge Gyroscope Review as the original publisher. Please include a bio in third person of 100 words or less with your submission. Bios longer than this will be edited down to 100 words. Use the name you’d like to be published under.

Gyroscope Review is open to poetry in all genres, including science-fiction, fantasy, and horror. Rhyming poetry is a hard sell unless well done. We are open to traditional forms, but keep them contemporary. Poems about writing poems are generally a pass unless it brings something new to the table. 

We publish quarterly. Note - Gyroscope Review is not a paying market at this time. We do not send contributors' print copies, but free PDFs are available from our website. Print and Kindle eBook editions are available on Amazon. 

Gyroscope Review